HIPPO Urgent Care Course 2019
Walk into your first urgent care shift with confidence
Finally an online video course with everything you need to function like a seasoned urgent care clinician, whether it’s your first shift or 10th year in practice.
Confidently navigate the urgent care from all angles.
Get everything you need to excel in the urgent care setting--from clinical pearls and pitfalls to over 200 step-by-step diagnostic and therapeutic procedural videos (including suturing, splinting, ECG and x-ray interpretation, and more). We even get you up to speed on the practical nuts and bolts, like charting, referrals, and speaking with consultants.
Get ready for day 1,
stay sharp on day 10,000.
Whether you’re just starting out, need to catch up to speed, or refresh your memory for a certain procedure, Urgent Care Bootcamp is an indispensable resource and ongoing reference tool for any urgent care clinician. Access it virtually anywhere for in-the-moment reference on shift, or for on-the-go learning.
Make sure your entire team is prepared with a final assessment and Certificate of Completion.
An optional 100-question exam assesses urgent care clinical readiness and, upon successful completion, unlocks a formal certificate officially endorsed by the College of Urgent Care Medicine.
Experience the only course truly created for the urgent care setting.
Urgent Care Bootcamp was built from scratch by seasoned UC practitioners. Unlike other urgent care courses that repurpose a blend of education from other specialties like emergency medicine and primary care, this course specifically focuses on the unique nuances and challenges of the urgent care setting.
Topics And Speakers:
The Practice of Urgent Care:
Efficient and Effective Charting
Safe ED Referrals
Shared Decision Making
The Art of the Presentation
Procedural Fundamentals:
Anesthesia :
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Dental Anterior Superior Alveolar.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Dental Gow-Gates.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Dental Middle Superior Alveolar.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Dental Posterior Superior Alveolar.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Dental Supraperiosteal.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Digital.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks EarAuricular.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Infraorbital.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Mental.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Supraorbital.
Anatomical Nerve Blocks Tips and Tricks.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Forearm Median.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Forearm Radial.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Forearm Ulnar.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Interscalene Brachial Plexus.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Tibial.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Upper Arm Median.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Upper Arm Radial.
Ultrasound-guided Regional Nerve Blocks Upper Arm Ulnar.
Abscess Drainage:
Loop Drainage.
Standard Incision and Drainage.
Subungual Hematoma.
Dental, Epistaxis, Eye:
Dental Dental Fracture Repair.
Dental Dental Splinting.
Nasal Anterior Epistaxis Balloon Device.
Nasal Anterior Epistaxis Cautery.
Nasal Anterior Epistaxis Initial Steps, Topical Vasoconstrictor & External
Nasal Anterior Epistaxis Nasal Anesthesia & Anterior Nasal Examination.
Nasal Anterior Epistaxis Nasal Tampon.
Nasal Epistaxis Introduction.
Nasal Posterior Epistaxis Balloon Device.
Nasal Posterior Epistaxis Foley Balloon.
Ophthalmology Fluorescein Exam.
Ophthalmology Foreign Body Removal.
Ophthalmology Introduction to Ophthalmologic Procedures.
Ophthalmology Ophthalmoscope Exam.
Ophthalmology Retracting and Everting the Eyelid.
Ophthalmology Slit Lamp Exam.
Ophthalmology Tonometry Exam.
Ophthalmology Visual Acuity Exam.
ECG Interpretation:
Basic ECG Interpretation.
ECG Workshop Common STEMI Patterns.
ECG Workshop Pulmonary Embolism.
ECG Workshop STEMI Equivalents.
ECG Workshop STEMI Mimics - Part 1.
ECG Workshop STEMI Mimics - Part 2.
ECG Workshop STEMI Mimics - Part 3.
ECG Workshop Subtle-Ts.
ECG Workshop Syncope.
Laceration Repair:
Non-Suturing Techniques Skin Adhesive Glue.
Non-Suturing Techniques Skin Tape.
Non-Suturing Techniques Staples.
Staple Removal.
Suture Removal.
Suturing Techniques Corner Stitch.
Suturing Techniques Deep Dermal.
Suturing Techniques Dog Ear Correction.
Suturing Techniques Elliptical Cut with Undermining.
Suturing Techniques Figure 8 Stitch for Hemostasis.
Suturing Techniques General Suturing Techniques Instrument Tie.
Suturing Techniques Horizontal Mattress.
Suturing Techniques Simple Interrupted.
Suturing Techniques Vertical Mattress.
Wound Prep.
Wounds That Shouldn't Be Closed
Pediatric Procedures :
Foreign Body Removal Ear.
Foreign Body Removal Nose.
Urine Catheterization.
Splinting :
Joint Arthrocentesis Ankle Arthrocentesis.
Joint Arthrocentesis Arthrocentesis Tips & Tricks.
Joint Arthrocentesis Elbow Arthrocentesis.
Joint Arthrocentesis Knee Arthrocentesis.
Joint Arthrocentesis Shoulder Arthrocentesis.
Joint Arthrocentesis Wrist Arthrocentesis.
Joint Reduction Ankle.
Joint Reduction Digit.
Joint Reduction Elbow.
Joint Reduction Hip.
Joint Reduction Knee.
Joint Reduction Patellar.
Joint Reduction Radial Head Subluxation Nursemaid's.
Joint Reduction Shoulder.
Ring Removal Ring Cutter ElectricDremel.
Ring Removal Ring Cutter Manual Cutting Disk.
Ring Removal String-Wrap Technique Oxygen Mask Strap.
Ring Removal String-Wrap Technique.
Ring Removal Tungsten Locking Pliers Technique.
Splinting Ankle Wraps and Semirigid Orthosis.
Splinting Basic Wetting Techniques.
Splinting Finger Splints.
Splinting Knee Immobilizer Medial-Lateral Strut.
Splinting Long Arm Posterior.
Splinting Long Leg Posterior.
Splinting Short Leg Posterior.
Splinting Splinting Tips and Tricks.
Splinting Sugar-Tong Forearm.
Splinting Sugar-Tong Humerus Double Sugar-Tong.
Splinting Thumb Spica.
Splinting U-SplintStirrup.
Splinting Ulnar Gutter.
Splinting Volar.
X-ray Interpretation Ankle.
X-ray Interpretation Cervical Spine.
X-ray Interpretation Elbow.
X-ray Interpretation Femur and Hip.
X-ray Interpretation Foot.
X-ray Interpretation Forearm.
X-ray Interpretation General Radiographic Principles.
X-ray Interpretation Hand.
X-ray Interpretation Humerus.
X-ray Interpretation Knee.
X-ray Interpretation Lumbosacral and Thoracic Spine.
X-ray Interpretation Pelvis.
X-ray Interpretation Shoulder.
X-ray Interpretation Tibia and Fibula.
X-ray Interpretation Wrist.
Biliary - Part 1.
Biliary - Part 2.
Bladder Ultrasound (bladder volume).
Cardiac - Part 1.
Cardiac - Part 2.
Cardiac - Part 3.
Cardiac - Part 4.
FAST - Part 1.
FAST - Part 2.
FAST - Part 3.
FAST - Part 4.
FAST - Part 5.
FAST - Part 6.
Kidney - Part 1.
Kidney - Part 2.
Kidney - Part 3.
Lung Ultrasound.
Ultrasound Transducer Basics.
Vascular - Part 1.
Vascular - Part 2.
Clinical Approaches:
Common Complaints:
Abdominal Pain.
Acute Chest Pain.
Altered Mental Status.
Anorectal Complaints.
Low Back Pain.
Shortness of Breath.
Testicular Pain.
Vaginal Bleeding - Bread and Butter.
Vaginal Bleeding - General Approach.
Vaginal Bleeding - Needles inthe Haystack.
Vomiting and Diarrhea - Bread and Butter.
Vomiting and Diarrhea - General Overview.
Common Infections:
Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Abscesses.
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Animal Bites.
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Cellulitis.
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Diabetic Foot Infections.
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Flesh Eating Bacteria.
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Skin Infections Key Points.
Upper Respiratory Illness.
Urinary Tract Infection.
Approach to Rashes.
Contact Dermatitis.
Infestations and Bites.
Minor Burns.
Topical Steroids.
Wound Care.
Ear, Nose, Throat :
Dental Pain.
Ear Pain.
Acute Vision Loss.
Approach to Eye Emergencies.
Everyday Bread and Butter.
Eye Trauma.
Painful Red Eye.
Neuro Exam Review.
Non-stroke Causes of Neuro Deficits.
Spinal Cord Pathology.
Stroke and TIA.
Analgesia and Procedural Sedation.
Child Abuse.
Croup, Bronchiolitis, and Asthma.
Newborn Presentations, Diaper Rash, and Thrush.
Otitis Media.
Pediatric Fever
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Complaints.
Pediatric Neurologic Presentations.
Pediatric Respiratory Presentations.
Pediatric Trauma.
Pediatric Viral Exanthems.
The Inconsolable Child.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.
Urinary Tract Infections.
Abdominal Injuries.
Chest Trauma.
Extremity Injuries.
Facial Trauma.
Head Trauma.
Neck and Spine Trauma.
Overview of Approach to Trauma.