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ARRS Radiology Review A Didactic Approach to Case-Based Learning
ARRS Video Course


ARRS Radiology Review A Didactic Approach to Case-Based Learning

Full Video Course


This unique Review Course takes a more in-depth approach to case-based learning, allowing you to gain deeper insights into each subspecialty while honing your diagnostic skills—online and on-demand. In addition to 176 traditional case reviews, the course features 11 didactic lectures across multiple subspecialties and includes non-interpretive topics in physics, management, and quality. This package also includes the accompanying book with the history, demographics, imaging findings, and teaching points included for all 176 cases—shipped at no additional cost.

Earn credit at your own pace through July 26, 2021 and continue to access your videos until July 27, 2025. See below for detailed information and learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes and Modules

Upon completion of this program you will be able to:

  • develop differential diagnoses for conditions in eleven radiology subspecialties
  • recognize the imaging and clinical features that allow for refinement of differential diagnosis allowing for a more specific diagnosis
  • recognize some commonly encountered imaging artifacts in the subspecialties, describe why they occur, and techniques to avoid them
  • confidently make management decisions affecting a variety of commonly encountered clinical scenarios

Module 1 — Vascular and/or Interventional Radiology

  • TIPS, Portal Hypertension and Gastrointestinal Imaging Bleeding—S. Naidu (didactic lecture)
  • Arterial Disease—J. McKinney
  • Venous Disease—E. Ignacio
  • Nonvascular Disease—M. Gipson
  • Interventional Oncology—N. Saad

Module 2 — Gastrointestinal Imaging

  • Disorders in the Liver: Hepatic Lesion Characterization—P. Liu (didactic lecture)
  • Spleen—M. Feldman
  • Pancreas—N. Hansen
  • Mesentery and Peritoneum—R. O'Malley
  • Small Bowel—S. Wells

Module 3 — Genitourinary Imaging

  • Hysterosalpingography, Renal Cell Carcinoma—C. Moreno (didactic lecture)
  • Female Pelvis—S. Erickson
  • Male Pelvis—M. Heller
  • Kidneys/Collecting System—F. Souza
  • Retroperitoneum—M. Gulati

Module 4 — Breast Imaging

  • BI-RADS Update, High Risk Lesions—T. Moseley (didactic lecture)
  • Calcifications—J. Kohr
  • Breast Ultrasound—H. Rahbar
  • Breast MRI—D. Lane
  • Breast Masses—C. Neal

Module 5 — Neuroradiology

  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)—S. Pruthi (didactic lecture)
  • MR Perfusion—M. Strother (didactic lecture)
  • Brain—M. Strother
  • Spine—F. Minja
  • Head and Neck—K. Baugnon
  • Trauma—K. Fink

Module 6 — Ultrasound

  • Doppler Artifact—D. Rubens (didactic lecture)
  • Ovarian Torsion—S. Bhatt (didactic lecture)
  • Gynecology—M. Horrow
  • Small Parts—N. Dahiya
  • Obstetrics—A. Kennedy
  • Vascular—D. Rubens and S. Bhatt

Module 7 — Musculoskeletal Imaging

  • Musculoskeletal Imaging Ultrasound, Musculoskeletal Imaging CT—D. Wessell (didactic lecture)
  • Neoplastic—E. Vinson
  • Rheumatologic—J. Stephenson
  • Traumatic—J. Pierce
  • Metabolic/Hematologic—J. Baker

Module 8 — Pediatric Imaging

  • Neonatal Bowel Obstruction, Intussusception—S. DiPerna (didactic lecture)
  • Pediatric Musculoskeletal—J. Reid
  • Pediatric Neuroradiology—Y. Sato
  • Pediatric Genitourinary—K. Feinstein
  • Pediatric/Chest/Cardiovascular—J. Tsai

Module 9 — Chest Imaging

  • Update on Interstital Lung disease, Fissural Nodules—J. Chung (didactic lecture)
  • Mediastinum—C. Walker
  • Diffuse Nodular Lung Disease—S. Hobbs
  • Large Airway Disease—C. Cox
  • Air-Space Disease—K. Olsen

Module 10 — Nuclear Medicine

  • Nuclear Medicine Treatments, Radiotracers—J. McConathy (didactic lecture)
  • PET/CT—D. Naeger
  • Endocrine/Thoracic—V. Aaron
  • Whole Body Imaging—J. McConathy
  • Abdominal—S. Behr

Module 11 — Cardiovascular Imaging

  • Anomalous Coronary Arteries, Delayed Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac MRI—K. Cummings (didactic lecture)
  • Coronary and Pericardium—J. Christensen
  • Myocardial—K. Ordovas
  • Valves—A. Shah
  • Great Vessels—T. Henry

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