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Pathology Board Review 2018



 Pathology Board Review 2018

Topics And Speakers:


General Pathology

  • Cell Injury, Inflammation, Repair – Cheryl Hanau, MD
  • Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune Disease, Immune Deficiency – Cheryl Hanau, MD
  • Immunohistochemistry – Cheryl Hanau, MD
  • Environmental Pathology – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD

Anatomic and Surgical Pathology

  • Pathology of the Respiratory System – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of Gastrointestinal System and Pancreas – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of the Male Urogenital System – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of the Endocrine System – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of Soft Tissues – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of Bone – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of the Liver and Biliary System – Maura O’Neil, MD
  • Pathology of Breast and Female Genital System – Fang Fan, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of the Kidney – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Pathology of the Skin – Garth R. Fraga, MD
  • Pathology of the Central Nervous System – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Differential Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Tumors – Kyle Perry, MD
  • Cardiovascular Pathology 1 – Congenital Heart Diseases – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Cardiovascular Pathology 2 – Atherosclerosis and its Complications – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Cardiovascular Pathology 3 – Immune Mediated and Infectious Heart Diseases – Cardiomyopathy – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Developmental and Genetic Disorders 1 – Causes of Birth Defects, Errors of Morphogenesis and Chromosomal Disorders – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD
  • Developmental and Genetic Disorders 2 – Single Gene and Multifactorial Disorders – Ivan Damjanov, MD, PhD


  • Pap Smear (Cervical and Vaginal Cytology) — Benign/Reactive Changes and Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions (SILs) – Fang Fan, MD, PhD
  • Pap Smear (Cervical and Vaginal Cytology) — Glandular Abnormalities, Quality Control and Quality Assurance – Fang Fan, MD, PhD
  • Non-gynecologic Cytology — Respiratory Tract, Urine and Bladder Washings, Effusions and Peritoneal Washings, and Cerebrospinal Fluid – Fang Fan, MD, PhD
  • Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology — Breast, Thyroid, Salivary Gland, Lymph Nodes, Liver, Pancreas, Kidney – Fang Fan, MD, PhD

Hematology Including Coagulation Disorders

  • Pathology of Red Blood Cells – Anamarija Perry, MD
  • Pathology of White Blood Cells – Anamarija Perry, MD
  • Pathology of Lymph Nodes – Anamarija Perry, MD
  • Pathology of Platelets and Coagulation – Ping Sun, MD, MSc

Blood Transfusion

  • Blood Donation and Blood Components – Sally A. Campbell-Lee, MD
  • Pre-Transfusion Testing – Sally A. Campbell-Lee, MD
  • Transfusion Reactions – Sally A. Campbell-Lee, MD
  • Clinical Transfusion Medicine – Sally A. Campbell-Lee, MD


  • Bacterial Infections – William M. Janda, PhD, D(ABMM)
  • Viral Infections – William M. Janda, PhD, D(ABMM)
  • Fungal Infections – William M. Janda, PhD, D(ABMM)
  • Parasitic Infections – William M. Janda, PhD, D(ABMM)

Molecular Biology

  • Introduction to FISH, Conventional Cytogenetics and Arrays – Julia Bridge, MD
  • Molecular Pathology: Introduction, Concepts and Techniques – Michael B. Datto, MD, PhD
  • Medical Genetics and Inherited Diseases – Michael B. Datto, MD, PhD
  • Neoplastic Molecular Pathology – Michael B. Datto, MD, PhD

Clinical Chemistry

  • Laboratory Operations: Methods, Statistics, Quality Management – Nikola Baumann, PhD, DABCC
  • Lipids, Proteins and Enzymes – Nikola Baumann, PhD, DABCC
  • Water, Electrolytes and Acid-Base Metabolism – Nikola Baumann, PhD, DABCC
  • Endocrine Disorders and Hormones – Nikola Baumann, PhD, DABCC
  • Clinical Toxicology and Therapeutic Drugs – Nikola Baumann, PhD, DABCC

Management, Quality Assurance and Organization of the Laboratory

  • Management, Quality Assurance, Organization of the Laboratory – Stephen S. Raab, MD
  • Lab Management Highlights – Valerie Ng, MD, PhD

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