Harvard Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 2024
Full Videos + PDF Syllabus
Comprehensive Updates for State-of-the-Art Care: Evaluation, Diagnosis, Treatment, Procedures and Challenging Cases
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine will be held online this year, using live streaming, electronic Q&A, and other remote learning technologies. The 2024 program will be highly interactive, providing opportunities throughout the program to pose questions online to nationally and internationally recognized leaders in their respective areas of pulmonary and critical care medicine.
This comprehensive course provides education and updates to optimize your care of patients with:
- Sepsis
- Sarcoidosis
- Bronchiectasis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Lung nodules
- Lung cancer
- Pleural disease
- Pneumonia
- Tuberculosis
- Thromboembolism
- Chronic cough
- Asthma
- Occupational and environmental lung disease
- Interstitial lung disease
- Lung transplantation
- Neurologic issues in the ICU
- Sleep-disordered breathing
- Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19
- Surgical emergencies
- Atypical mycobacterial disease
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Cardiopulmonary disorders
- Complications from cardiac arrest
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Acute respiratory failure
All sessions are led by master clinicians who deliver information in inspiring and entertaining ways, and provide specific recommendations to incorporate the latest updates into your practice. Education covers:
- The most current guidelines for treating sepsis
- Evidence-based treatment of ARDS
- State of the art in interventional pulmonology
- High-flow oxygen therapy for respiratory failure
- Updates on biologics in asthma and other lung disease
- New concepts in the use of vasopressors in septic shock
- New drugs and combinations in pulmonary hypertension
- New evidence on sedation, analgesia, and early mobility
- Point-of-care pulmonary ultrasound in the intensive care unit
- Lung microbiome: emerging implications for lung health
- Emerging evidence for targeted temperature management
- Evaluating occupational and environmental lung disease
- Steroid-sparing agents for interstitial lung disease
- Pulmonary embolus: the latest treatment strategies
- State-of-the-art management of the critically ill patient
- Guidance to conduct end-of-life discussions
- Updates in pulmonary pathology
- New treatment options in cystic fibrosis
- Handling neurologic and surgical emergencies in the medical ICU
- New approaches that improve outcomes for patients with unexplained chronic cough
Topics And Speakers:
Sunday, April 28, 2024
David J. Kanarek, MD
David J. Kanarek, MD
Brian Keller, MD
Kai Saukkonen, MD
David Christiani, MD
Isabel Neuringer, MD
Christopher Richards, MD
Drs. Christiani, Kanarek, Keller, Lai, Neuringer, Richards, Saukkonen, and Angela Frank, MD, MPH
Lida Hariri, MD, PhD
Sydney Montesi, MD
Barry Shea, MD
Rachel Knipe, MD
Robert Hallowell, MD
Bethany-Rose Daubman, MD
Drs. Daubman, Frank, Hallowell, Hariri, Knipe, Montesi, Shea, and Kathryn Hibbert, MD
Monday, April 29, 2024
Kathryn Hibbert, MD
Carolyn La Vita, MHA, RRT
Carolyn La Vita, MHA, RRT
David Ziehr, MD
Jason Griffith, MD, PhD
Jonah Rubin, MD
Drs. Kanarek, North, Rubin, and Wong, and Carolyn La Vita, MHA, RRT
Leo Ginns, MD
George Alba, MD
Alyssa Letourneau, MD
Lisa Bebell, MD
Joshua Metlay, MD, PhD
Peggy Lai, MD
Drs. Alba, Bebell, Ginns, Hibbert, Lai, Letourneau, and Metlay
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Sahar Zafar, MD
Eric Schmidt, MD
Crystal North, MD, MPH
David Greer, MD
Emily Rubin, MD
Noelle Saillant, MD
Drs. Frank, Greer, North, Rubin, Saillant, Schmidt, and Zafar
Rachel Rosovsky, MD, MPH
Alison Witkin, MD
Josanna Rodriguez-Lopez, MD
Alexandra “Sasha” Wong, MD
John Niles, MD
C. Corey Hardin, MD, PhD
Drs. Hardin, Hibbert, Niles, Rodriguez-Lopez, Rosovsky, Witkin, and Wong
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Fayez Kheir, MD, MSc
Erik Folch, MD
Colleen Keyes, MD, MPH
Drs. Folch, Frank, Keyes, and Kheir
Amita Sharma, MBBS
Angela Frank, MD, MPH
Jaime Schneider, MD, PhD
Walter O'Donnell, MD
Jehan Alladina, MD
Benjamin Medoff, MD
Rod Rahimi, MD
Maha Farhat, MD, MSc
Rocío Hurtado, MD, DTM&H
Drs. Alladina, Farhat, Frank, Hibbert, Hurtado, Medoff, Metlay, Montesi, O'Donnell, Schneider, and Sharma
Thursday, May 2, 2024
James Mojica, MD, FAASM
James Mojica, MD, FAASM
Katherine Dudley, MD
Katherine Dudley, MD
Drs. Dudley, Kanarek, and Mojica