2019 Classic Lectures in Body Imaging with MR - A Video CME Teaching Activity
Format: 29 Video Files + 1 PDF File
About This CME Teaching Activity
This activity is designed to provide a practical yet comprehensive review of body MR imaging including the latest protocols and emerging technologies. The faculty explains state-of-the-art clinical information and applications. Pearls and pitfalls on how to best image the body using MR will be presented.
Target Audience
This CME activity is primarily intended and designed to educate diagnostic imaging physicians. It should also be useful for referring physicians who order these studies so that they might gain a greater appreciation of the strengths and limitations of clinically relevant MR studies.
Educational Objectives
At the completion of this CME teaching activity, you should be able to:
- Incorporate state-of-the-art imaging protocols to efficiently evaluate the body using MRI into clinical their practice.
- Describe the expanding role of MRI in assessing abdomen and pelvis.
- Optimize body MR angiography protocols and techniques.
- Differentiate benign and malignant neoplasms of the liver, pancreas, bowel and genitourinary system with MRI.
Topics And Speakers:
Session 1
Great Calls and Pitfalls in Body MRI - How to be the Hero and not the Goat!
Russell N. Low, M.D.
MR of the Liver: Vascular Abnormalities
Cynthia S. Santillan, M.D.
MRI of Prostate Cancer
Russell N. Low, M.D.
MR Enterography
Cynthia S. Santillan, M.D., FSAR
Session 2
MRI of the Pancreas
Russel N. Low, M.D.
Cancer Body MRI 2018: How to See Subtle Tumors Other Tests Miss
Russell N. Low, M.D.
Perianal MRI
Cynthia S. Santillan, M.D., FSAR
Incidental Pancreatic Cystic Lesions: When Do I Worry?
Erik K. Paulson, M.D.
Session 3
LI-RADS Fundamentals, Application and Updates
Cynthia S. Santillan, M.D.
MRI of the Acute Abdomen
Russell N. Low, M.D.
Ultrasound and MR Elastography for Liver Fibrosis Detection
Bachir Taouli, M.D.
Session 4
Update on the Latest Developments in MR Angiography
James C. Carr, M.D.
Benign and Malignant Liver Lesions
Bachir Taouli, M.D.
Body DWI: Current Status
Bachir Taouli, M.D.
Breast MRI Artifacts and Pitfalls
Haydee Ojeda-Fournier, M.D.
Session 5
Breast MRI Biopsy Techniques
Stamatia V. Destounis, M.D., FACR
Breast MRI in Screening, Staging and Diagnosis
Haydee Ojeda-Fournier, M.D.
High Risk Breast Screening with MRI
Elizabeth Morris, M.D.
Breast MRI as a Second-line Diagnostic Tool Following Inconclusive Clinical or Imaging Findings
Haydee Ojeda-Fournier, M.D.
Session 6
MR Contrast Media Safety Update
Lawrence N. Tanenbaum, M.D., FACR
4D Flow imaging
Thomas M. Grist, M.D., FACR
Clinical Applications of Cardiovascular MRI
James C. Carr, M.D.
Session 7
Pulmonary MRA
Thomas M. Grist, M.D., FACR
State of the Art Cardiovascular MRI
James C. Carr, M.D.
Practical Cardiac MRI: Viability Imaging as a Workhorse
Scott D. Flamm, M.D., M.B.A.
Cardiac MRI: How I Do The Basics
Thomas M. Grist, M.D., FACR
Session 8
Imaging of Peripheral Vascular Disease
Thomas M. Grist, M.D., FACR
Cardiac MRI
Robert R. Edelman, M.D.
Practical Cardiac MRI: Left Ventricular and Valvular Function
Scott D. Flamm, M.D., M.B.A.