Harvard 8th Annual Board Review And Update In Pulmonary Sleep And Critical Care Medicine 2023
27 MP4 Files
Our 8th Annual “Board Review and Update in Pulmonary, Sleep, and Critical Care Medicine” will provide a review of key topics in pulmonary, sleep, and critical care medicine as well as an update on recent noteworthy clinical advances, with an emphasis on knowledge and skills useful in medical practice. The course is designed to meet the educational needs of pulmonologists, intensivists, pulmonary and critical care fellows, residents in training and allied health professionals (especially nurse practitioners and physician assistants) specializing in these areas. The three-day course is divided equally between pulmonary and critical care medicine, with topics that include airway diseases, pulmonary vascular diseases, interstitial lung diseases, lung cancer, sleep disorders, respiratory failure, shock and multiple selected topics in ICU management. The program includes embedded board review questions and dedicated board review sessions, as well as multiple complementary pre-recorded lectures in pulmonary, sleep, and critical care medicine available for download, including specific Covid-19 presentations.
Who Should Attend
- Specialty Physicians
- Physician Assistants
- Nurse Practitioners
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Evaluate recent advances in the assessment and treatment of pulmonary diseases and the critically ill patient.
- Better treat the spectrum of critical illnesses encountered in patients in intensive care units.
- Apply updated knowledge in pulmonary, sleep, and critical care medicine in preparation for board certification/recertification.
Topics And Speakers:
Continental Breakfast
On-site Only
Welcome & Introduction
Bruce Levy, MD; Gerald Weinhouse, MD
On-site Only
Live Lung Ultrasound Workshop with Demonstration
Louisa Palmer, MD; Elke Platz, MD
On-site Only
On-site Only
Welcome and Introduction
Bruce Levy, MD; Gerald Weinhouse, MD
Current Asthma Management Strategies
Elliot Israel, MD
COPD: Current and Emerging Management Strategies
Craig Hersh, MD
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Clinical Medicine
Jeffrey M. Drazen, MD
Post-COVID Dyspnea—Evaluation and Management
David Systrom, MD
Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
Samuel Goldhaber, MD
Break & Study Hall
Meet-the-Professor Lunch: Introduction to Pulmonary Genetics and Genomics
Benjamin Raby, MD, MPH
On-site Only
Pulmonary Pathology for the Boards
Robert Padera, MD, PhD
Chest Imaging Pearls
Andetta Hunsaker, MD
Interdisciplinary Approach to Interstitial Lung Diseases
Gary Hunninghake, MD, MPH
Pulmonary Involvement in Rheumatic Diseases
Paul Dellaripa, MD
Cystic Lung Disease
Souheil El- Chemaly, MD
Managing Complicated Cases of Pleural Disease
Scott Schissel, MD, PhD
Occupational Lung Disease
Robert McCunney, MD
Rebecca Baron, MD
Bronchiolitis and non-CF Bronchiectasis
Manuela Cernadas, MD
Cystic Fibrosis in the Adult
Ahmet Uluer, DO, MPH
Sarcoidosis and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Rachel Putnam, MD
Lung Transplantation
Nirmal Sharma, MD
Pulmonary Medicine Board Questions/Selected Topics
Rebecca Sternschein, MD
Pulmonary Vasculitides
Paul Dellaripa, MD
Assessment and Management of the Patient with Chronic Cough
Paul Dieffenbach, MD
Continental Breakfast
On-site Only
Echocardiogram Workshop with Demonstration
Louisa Palmer, MD
On-site Only
Lung Cancer screening and Approach to the Lung Nodule
Anurhada Ramaswamy, MD
Lung Cancer: State of the Art Treatment
David Kwiatkowski, MD, PhD
Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Non-Invasive Ventilation
Khalid Ismail, MB, ChB
Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Infections
Daniel Solomon, MD
Interventional Pulmonology
Majid Shafiq, MD, MPH
Break & Study Hall
Meet-the-Professor Lunch
Bruce Levy, MD
On-site Only
Current Treatment of Cardiogenic Shock
Brian Bergmark, MD
Pulmonary HTN and RV Dysfunction
Aaron Waxman, MD, PhD
Life-Threatening Cardiac Arrhythmias in the ICU
Thomas Tadros, MD, MPH
Palliative Care in the ICU
Joshua R. Lakin, MD
Reducing ICU Delirium
John Devlin, Pharm. D
Dinner with Special Guest
B. Brown
On-site Only
Endocrine Management in the ICU
Margot Hudson, MD
Obstetrical Critical Care
Sarah Rae Easter, MD
OSA: Diagnosis and Management
Rohit Budhiraja, MD
Pulmonary Infections in the Immunocompromised Host
Lindsey Baden, MD
Management of the Chronic Respiratory Failure Patient
Miguel Divo, MD
Interpretation of Integrated Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
David Systrom, MD
Non-infectious Pneumonitis
Gerald Weinhouse, MD
Critical Care Board Questions /Selected Topics
Rebecca Sternschein, MD
Non-sleep Apnea Sleep – Parasomnias and Narcolepsy
Michael L. Stanchina, MD
Continental Breakfast
On-site Only
Interactive Discussion: Best Medical ICU Cases from the Brigham 2023
Anthony Massaro, MD et al.
On-site Only
Update: ARDS and Respiratory Failure
Anthony Massaro, MD
State of the Art Sepsis Management
Rebecca Baron, MD
ECMO for Acute Respiratory Failure
Raghu Seethala, MD, MS
Peter Chai, MD, MS
Renal Replacement Therapy: Choices and Outcomes
Kenneth Christopher, MD
Break & Study Hall
Meet-the-Professor Lunch: Case Discussion
Katherine Walker, MD, MS and Scott Schissel, MD, PhD
On-site Only
Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding
John R. Saltzman, MD
Considerations in the Management of Critically Ill Obese Patient
Bleeding and Clotting Emergencies in the ICU
Jean Connors, MD
What Every Intensivist Should Know About the Management of Acute Stroke
Galen Henderson, MD
Prophylactic Strategies in the ICU
Kathleen Haley, MD
Acid-Base Disorders and ABG’s
Kenneth Christopher, MD
Ethical Dilemmas in the ICU
Kathleen Haley, MD
ICU Pain Management and Opioid Stewardship
Paul Szumita, PharmD
Intra-abdominal Catastrophes
Reza Askari, MD
Nutrition in the ICU
Malcolm Robinson, MD
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
Michael Klompas, MD, MPH
Acute Hepatic Failure in the ICU
Anna Rutherford, MD, MPH
Blood Pressure and Oxygen Targets in the ICU
Gerald Weinhouse, MD