SCCM MCCR 2023 (Multiprofessional Critical Care Review Adult 2023)
60 videos + 49 pdfs
by Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM)
Multiprofessional Critical Care Review and Assessment: Adult
Designed for clinicians seeking to review, update, and assess their adult critical care knowledge.
SCCM’s most complete review and assessment eBundle saves you money and energy! Look no further, this package of high-quality educational resources provides a comprehensive learning experience covering the full gamut of critical care topics. Earn up to 95 hours of continuing education/accredited continuing education credit. Maintenance of certification points are also available.
Prepare for critical care board examinations or expand your clinical knowledge to improve patient outcomes at your own pace from the comfort and convenience of your home or office
Receive extensive coverage of core concepts in adult critical care.
The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) provides unique opportunities in multiple learning formats for all professionals to prepare for critical care board examinations or to expand and assess their clinical knowledge to improve patient outcomes.
Topics And Speakers:
Multiprofessional Critical Care Review: Adult Online Course
Evidenced-Based Management of Sepsis
and Septic Shock
Severe Infections: Bacterial, Fungal, and Viral
ICU Presentations of Infectious Diseases and Their Complications
Monitoring and Stabilization of the Trauma Patient
Shock: Diagnosis and Management of Different Syndromes
Hepatic Failure
Complications of Solid Organ Transplantation
Trouble in the Environment: Temperature, Drowning, and Radiation
Acute Pancreatitis
Nutrition Support in the ICU Toxicology and Drug Overdoses Management of Hypertensive Crisis
Management of Drug Withdrawal Syndromes in the ICU
Bleeding and Coagulation Disorders Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and
Oncologic Emergencies
Electrolyte Emergencies
Renal Replacement Therapy in the ICU
Complex Acid-Base Disorders
Endocrine Emergencies
Cases You Must Know How to Manage Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding Obstetric Emergencies
Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis and
Cardiopulmonary Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Cardiovascular Surgery Complications and Mechanical Devices
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Analysis and Therapy of Supraventricular Arrhythmias and Bradyarrhythmias
Inotropes and Vasoactive Agents in Cardiogenic Shock
Pulmonary Hypertension in Critical Illness
Analysis and Therapy of Ventricular Arrhythmias
Cardiac Output Monitoring Devices